Thursday, January 28, 2010

Now what?

The last six months or so have been filled with hoping and planning and exciting events and now that the new year is already almost a 12th over, it leaves me wondering "what now?" There aren't any major holidays, no visitors, no up-coming trips, or big events. So, what do you do when there's nothing going on in paradise? That's when the Lord desides to have a laugh and gives the mother of six girls a calling in CUB SCOUTS! Really. Yes, I'm serious. Cub Scouts. For everyone that thinks I'm clueless about boys, I DID grow up with three brothers, and I actually really like boys, but like a friend of mine said..... I already have my own GIRL scout troop.
Here's to a new adventure, and a new year filled with surprises!

Coming back to Hawaii, we realize more than ever how much we've missed everyone. Its easy to take family and friends forgranted until they're not around anymore. We wish we'd had more time to spend with family and with all our friends. We don't plan on being here too much longer, so for those of you who haven't had the chance to visit, and want to, you'd better make plans quick!
We also want to say thank you, once again, to the two families who were willing to share some sky miles with us so our trip was more affordable. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE you and will never forget it!

In front of the giraffes... my favorite animal at the zoo


It was fun to watch the flamingos all pop their heads up at once.

Check out the rainbow!

Addie made quick friends with Carson (or friends little boy)